Wednesday 30 March 2016

F.A.M.E Team March Update

F.A.M.E. TEAM 16

It’s been a marvellous and mega-busy March with the F.A.M.E. team! Here’s our highlights…

The month started with the fascinating Zoe Irwin. Zoe is a Trend Forecaster and she showed us how her forecasts develop into styles we see a couple of years later. 

Zoe gave us an honest insight into her incredible career journey as well as a lot of practical tips on the importance of posture and body position so as to avoid strain when drying or styling hair. She even showed us the secret of securing a hair dressing with only 3 French pins!! It was very interesting to listen to a successful women's point of view from the hairdressing industry.

Then we visited the fabulous Vogue 100 exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery – a stunning array of influential fashion images right from when it started in 1916 through to Vogue as we know it today. We all came away with ideas for future shows and ready to shoot some editorial hair!

Next was a planning session to prepare us for our big show in South Africa – all very exciting! (I will reveal more later on). Then we went to the very inspirational Fellowship Masterclass where we got the chance to take in some incredible demos of the latest cutting edge hairdressing techniques from some of the industry’s hottest names.  Big shout out to Jamie Benny who was on stage - he did the F.A.M.E Team proud! 

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