Sunday 10 July 2016

F.A.M.E. Team June Update

F.A.M.E. Team Journey for June. 

It's our half way point of our FAME Team year already!! We've had an absolutely mind blowing time with mentor days, workshops, shows and shoots and still more to come! I couldn't wish for a better team to be spending my time with. It's a good job we all get on well as we are spending so much time together :)
F.A.M.E. Team day in Cardiff with Paul Dennison 
We jumped straight into June with a mentor day with Bruce Masefield from Sassoon.  This day was interesting for me to see how everyone took on-board the Sassoon techniques and for the tables to be turned and me to be a student.  Bruce gave us an overview of his incredible career and went on to provide an insight into the basic principles of Sassoon ABC classic techniques.  It was really great to be able to watch Bruce demo up close as when I'm backstage I usually never get the chance.

My beautiful model Sydney from our Sassoon Workshop

Our F.A.M.E. Team day with Ken Picton and Paul Dennison in Cardiff was so much fun! Ken and Paul began the day by showing us some genius techniques to get our creative brains thinking outside of the box. They set us various tasks including one to create a hair collection based on an everyday object. Ken really taught us how to look at things with a different eye and how to become inspired by ordinary things such as a fridge! Later we were taken for a surprise at City Maze in the centre of Cardiff. As a team we were set the task of cracking the code to get out of the Maze room – of course we succeeded with great team work all round.

My final BIG news for June is... I am a Finalist for an internationally recognised hair competition called IT GIRL and so is my F.A.M.E. Team girl Rosie Binns.  For the competition I had to submit my entry as a portfolio/scrap book of everything I have done in my career so far. I can safely say, blood, sweat and tears went in to that scrap book and I couldn't have finished it without my support network - my mum, dad and James. Massive thanks goes to these guys who helped me carry on. I find out the final results in September at a fancy dinner in London.

I am really looking forward to July. Keep updated for what's coming in our journey,..

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